Peter & Jessie

At last, Peter and Jessie got married. After years happily together, they have finally decided to complete that tiny yet significant step. To where? Happiness for sure! Look at all the smiles in the photographs, I guarantee you that they must have the highest ratio on SPP (Smile Per Photo). 

Having shooting professionally for three years, this is also a brand new and intimate experience for myself as well. Not only I was shooting with one hand (so that I have another to hold that delicious Brooklyn lager ;P special shout out to Jessie for getting that beer, yum!) but also shooting someone that I know well and deeply care about. 

This is the wedding that I actually listened to the words of not-so-conventional-love-you-so-much vows. This is the wedding I learn the beauty of two mature individuals happily made the commitment of staying together forever. This is the wedding that I can do what I have been craving to do, shooting form the bottom of my heart, not just merely perusing the "beautiful" pictures, but to capture the essence of relationship in an artful and meaningful way.   

Thank you my dear friend for giving me this opportunity.




Stay tuned if you know P&J and wanted to peek on what their new house looks like when they just moved in...

(Don't forget to click on thumbnails to see the full photograph, look carefully, you might see lots fun and interesting details!)

This wedding took place at beautiful Holliston historical society, Holliston, Massachusetts. 


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